Potsdam, Germany, 2022
Hi! My name is Julia Sonata. I'm a photographer and an artist of analog collage from Crimea, Ukraine.
This is my art installation «HOME»
Pictures that you will see here were made from the very first day of our way from Ukraine to Germany. Also there are photos of host places where we lived during these months, and collages that were made under the impression of war.
It is a little story about our way here. The story about loosing home but finding hope. The story about big hearts of people whom we met on our way. Story about support.
When the full scale invasion began, me, my 13 y.o son Nikita, 4 yo daughter Alisa, our dog Fistashka and a Guinea pig Luffi went to Germany to save us from russian aggression.

It was a long and hard way. Five days we were on a road: Odessa - Moldova - Romania - Hungary - Slovakia - Poland - Germany. We spent two days and two nights in one bus overloaded with people running from the war. Very exhausting two days. But we met so many great people who were ready to give us host, food and big support.
It is not the first time when I have to leave my home and start a new life from the very beginning. In 2016 I fleed from russian agression after annexion of Crimea. My whole life is a road. I used to change so many places and now I don't have strong feeling of home, of what «home» really means for me. It a big hole in my heart that always hurts.
My «HOME» is filled with the feelings of intangibility and fragility but nevertheless it is full of love and hope.
So welcome to my «HOME»

After one week of installation, the «Home» was unbuilt and burnt. This action emphasised the fragility of the feeling of belonging to any place. And it left the open questions where is actually my home and what does it mean for me

Photos and collaged represented on the installation